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Alex Jones Interviews Naomi Wolf: Fascist America In 10 Easy Steps

by onthewingsofhelios
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 two great minds spark as Naomi Wolf and Alex Jones come together on the Alex Jones Show to discuss signs of the United States being transformed into a Fascist state.
It was quite a discussion that you will want to hear.
Naomi Wolf: Fascist America In 10 Easy Steps
November 28, 2007
Author and writer of the acclaimed essay Fascist America, In 10 Easy Steps, Naomi Wolf joins Alex to discuss the unfolding march towards dictatorship in the U.S. and traces its legacy back to President Bush's grandfather Prescott, who himself attempted to launch a Nazi coup in 1930's America.


Naomi Wolf
The End of America
October 11, 2007 speech at Kane Hall, University of Washington

The Bushes and the Nazis: "Time is Running Out"

Fourth Reich? The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenneger Nazi Nexus
George Bush’s grandfather helped finance the Nazi Party, Karl Rove’s grandfather allegedly helped run the Nazi Party, and helped build the Birkenau Death Camp. Arnold Shwarzenneger’s Austrian father volunteered for the infamous Nazi SA and became a ranking officer.

Bush’s comment about how a dictatorship would be a lot easier

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
September 25, 2004 THE GUARDIAN

Keeping It In The Family: The Bushes and the Nazis
March 15, 2005
VIDEO This short 10 minute video is worth watching
This is an excerpt from Alex Jones' latest film, 9/11 Martial Law: Rise of the Police State.
Journalist John Buchanan discusses how his research led him to uncover the deep and historical ties between the Bush family and the Nazi war machine. Buchanan's endeavors led to highly respected newspapers such as the London Guardian covering the story

Transcript of Interview
Bush-Nazi Family Alliance: Alex Jones Interviews John Buchanan
September 29, 2004

The Bushes and The Nazis: Alex Jones Interviews John Buchanan
September 27, 2004 2hr 39 min
Reporter John Buchanan and Alex discuss new revelations on how the Bush family helped Hitler rise to power.

”Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951” - Federal Documents The New Hampshire Gazette

Project Paperclip: Dark side of the Moon
November 21, 2005 BBC
Sixty years ago the US hired Nazi scientists to lead pioneering projects, such as the race to conquer space. These men provided the US with cutting-edge technology which still leads the way today, but at a cost.
See above link for the rest of the article.

KGB Chieftain Finds Home at Homeland Security
January 21, 2005

Ex-KGB and STASI Chiefs To Work Under Chertoff
KGB and STASI reinforce Homeland Security
December 16, 2004
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